21 Sep 2015

New CNH Industrial Supplier Code of Conduct

Dear Supplier,

CNH Industrial considers collaboration with its supply chain to be an integral part of its success and, therefore, strives to operate as an integrated team with its suppliers.

The selection of the Company’s suppliers is based not only on the quality and competitiveness of their products and services, but also on their adherence to acceptable social, ethical and environmental principles, which is a pre-requisite to becoming a supplier and developing a lasting business relationship with the Company.

In the light of the above CNH Industrial issued a new document, named Supplier Code of Conduct, available under “documents”, which updates and substitutes the CNHI Sustainability Guidelines for Suppliers. 

In the Supplier Code of Conduct, we describe what we expect from our suppliers. Consequently, it is fundamental your reading and understanding of this document in order to act accordingly.

You can find the Supplier Code of Conduct document in the menu "Documents - All-Purpose".